
Hi! My name is Saoirse! I go by she/her & it/its pronouns. I am a full time student & hobby artist located in Portland, ME. I create character designs as well as portraits of all flavors ranging from humans to monsters & furries.


Each vertical row is a pricing category from which you choose!e.g. I want a headshot (+$10) that's colorless (+$0) with a simple pattern background (+$15)! This makes my total $25.

Headshot $10Colorless $0Flat color $0Character $20-40
Bustshot $15-20Flat color $20Simple patten $15 
Halfbody $30Cell shaded $35  
Fullbody $40Fully rendered $40  

The Customs category is completely optional, as it only pretans to if you want a custom designed character! We can work out our pricing based off of what you are looking for <3

Email me with any questions about how this works! I also have a commission pricing Instagram post :)


To ask for a commission you must email me at [email protected]
In your request you must, in detail, describe what you want and add two or more references! There is no limit to how many you can add- the more references the more accurate your finished product will be! This is included with custom designs!

Will DoWon't Do
GoreImplications of suicide
Implied NSFWGenuine NSFW (for now)
Props & clothingAnything I don't like
Drug usageComics
Characters of all flavorsPublished characters
Text and symbolsHateful art
LGBTQ+ implications 

Implied NSFW means I will do things like nudity, bondage gear, and suggestive poses. I cannot sell you genuine NSFW art because of my job. I will not do genitalia beyond breasts/nipples.Drug usage is limited, I will do smoking and vaping, psychedelic drugs, alcohol, as well as needles containing unknown substances- I will not do somebody shooting up or smoking crack, or other harder drugs.As for Hateful art: I will not do anything pretaining to oppressing minorities such as images of white power, nazism, antisemitics, ableism, etc. Basically anything of exclusion I will not draw.